Erasmus+Primary EducationTeaching STEM

The Challenge of Teaching STEM in Primary Education

By Ιούνιος 18, 2019 No Comments

One of the objectives of the European Union’s educational agenda is the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills in children and young people, in order to foster a more competitive economy aimed at meeting the needs of today’s society. The CREATEskills project seeks to foster knowledge in this area in primary education, identifying several educational initiatives that allowed the construction of a toolkit that was promoted both with teachers from the four partner countries and with schools that tested the activities.

For each of them a guide was created which presents useful and systematic information about the description of the activity, its duration, and necessary materials to be taken in its execution. These educational activities were considered of great potential for the development of students’ technical skills, as well as socially inclusive, as they are tools that will allow the dissemination of knowledge throughout the educational community and society in general.

“Several activities surprised students during the Queen Morta School science fair. Students studied what owls eat, how to clean or collect water, how to recognize which plastic product can be recycled and which cannot. Students watched experiments with liquid nitrogen, guessed odors from different products, explored the need for oxygen and produced natural paints.”(Excerpt from a report from a Lithuanian teacher)

This project seeks to stimulate the learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as well as to make students aware of the scientific and technological vocations in the area of ​​STEM. Innovative educational initiatives are key to promoting teaching and learning throughout the different formative stages in order to educate children, young people who are aware, responsible and endowed with scientific and technological knowledge.

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