Erasmus+Primary EducationSTEM

What resources and strategies do you use to promote STEM in primary education?

By February 28, 2019 No Comments


The CREATEskills Project has worked intensively on this theme, seeking to contribute to the construction of resources that can promote the teaching of STEM to primary school students in a more appealing and practical way. In turn, it also aims to equip teachers with skills that will facilitate the teaching of STEM. In response to these questions, the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting took place last week in Athens, Greece, from February 18 to 19, 2019, as well as the Training of Teachers in STEM subjects, between February 20 and 22, with members of the 4 partner countries – Portugal, Spain, Greece and Lithuania. The two events were hosted by Science View which ensured the best conditions for the achievement of both.

At the first meeting, the results already achieved by the project were presented and discussed, in particular, the Web Platform “STEM on WEB” and the Toolkit “Tools to Socially Learn STEM“, a practical and innovative methodology that is being developed. All partners contributed with positive feedback and inputs to improving final products to make them more attractive and functional for the intended audience: primary school students and their parents, teachers and the rest of the education community. Partners defined practical strategies for the implementation phase of the Pilot in schools and identified a set of tasks to be carried out with the teachers. A few key tasks were also identified for the start of the events that will take place between the months of April and May. Finally, an analysis was made of the evaluation of the first year of the project and defined deadlines for the activities to be carried out.

Teachers’ Training took place on the same week, between February 20th and 22nd, and was attended by 25 teachers from the 4 countries. Each country was invited to select two activities from the Toolkit that presented in an interactive format, implementing the activity with colleagues from other countries. Although all the activities covered the STEM disciplines, they touched on several aspects, using different methodologies and implementation strategies. There were 8 collaborative activities that, in addition to increasing knowledge regarding STEM, promoted critical thinking, autonomy at work and team spirit. In the end, each activity was evaluated individually, in order to reflect on the respective feasibility of implementation in the next phase of the project: the pilot test.

There are two tools developed within the scope of the project that will be tested in the pilot phase – Web Platform “STEM on WEB” and the Toolkit for “Socially Learn STEM” – which together with Teachers’ Training integrate the resources of support for teachers to promotion of STEM in primary education developed by the CREATEskills partnership.

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