There are many ways to support interaction in WBLEs. How much is interaction needed as an important consideration? What kind of interaction and how may the…
Social learning theory (SLT) is an essential component of sustainable natural resource management and the promotion of desirable behavioural change. SLT is based on the…
Social learning is a theory by psychologist Albert Bandura that suggests that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and…
Three years ago (May 2015) the Council of the European Union published its conclusions on the role of early childhood and primary education in fostering…
The CREATEskills project is designed to develop and implement innovative practices, tools and methodologies in primary schools for the establishment of STEM studio classrooms, improving…
CREATEskills – Social learning for STEM in Primary Education (An Erasmus+ Project, inside key-action 2 – Strategic Partnerships, School education.) CREATEskills, is a 2-years project,…